
We believe that working together with parents and carers is an essential part of the learning journey for all children here at Holy Trinity. You know your children best, and we can learn from you and your experiences with your children.

The links below provide a wide range of information to our parents. 

There are many different opportunities for us to work together and we do hope that you will make the most of these.

Homework is an important part of this Partnership, and valuing learning together supports the children both in school and in the context of the society in general. Homework routines are shared at the Curriculum Meetings in September. Please do contact the school if you are unclear about any aspect of homework.

Parent Information Meetings are held at least once each term.  Further details of these can be found on the Parent Information Meeting Page.

Curriculum Meetings: We share the learning for the year ahead, and talk about key areas for development across the whole school. Parents of children in Years 5 and 6 will also receive information about the forthcoming Residential Visits.

Target Setting Report: We will share with the academic targets set for the children.

Parent Evenings: Meet class teachers on a one to one basis.

INSPIRE mornings: You are invited to spend a morning 'learning' with your child 'in class'.

Meetings about National Tests and Screening: Parents of children in Year 1 (Phonics), Year 2 and Year 6 (SATs) are invited to meetings to find out about the national screening tests ahead.

Learning profile Report: Parents will receive a learning Profile Report at the end of each term that outlines their child’s academic, emotional and identity profile.

Parent Evenings: Meet class teachers on a one to one basis.

Open Afternoon: The school is open at different times in the year to share our whole school project work, visiting the classes and whole school environment.

End of Year Reports: Each child takes home a Final report.  This contains a report on Learning, Attendance, National Testing/Screening outcomes.

Parent Information Videos: We are creating videos about different aspects of our school. 

Individual Classes also hold 'parent meetings' throughout the year including Phonic sessions, Grammar and Spelling workshops, Mathematic workshops, Literacy Presentations and more!

Parents are also invited to attend agape worships in the church if their child is leading the worships and all parents are able to attend the main Christian Worships. 

All children take part in drama and singing productions at different points across the school year.

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