I'd like to offer you a very warm welcome to Holy Trinity Church School Yeovil.

We are very proud to be a part of the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust, maintaining a strong link with Holy Trinity Church, and providing an education firmly rooted in Christian principles. The Aims of our school are central to all we do. By creating a caring, Christian ethos and a rich environment for learning we are able to watch our children grow, not only in knowledge and understanding but also in confidence and responsibility.

Our Ofsted report (September 2014) says that "Pupils' behaviour, levels of concentration and respect for each other are exemplary. They take great pride in their work. Pupils feel very safe and enjoy coming to school." The school was judged as OUTSTANDING in all areas.

Our Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools Report (March 2020) judged the school as EXCELLENT in all areas. "The Christian vision and associated values are fully embedded, and they drive and inspire academic and personal development in the whole school community."

We are very proud of our unique approach to learning. The School is committed to providing the best possible education for all the children, extending this through the positive involvement of the Church and Community.

Learning, Achieving and Flourishing Together in God’s Promises, Goodness and Love.

Adam Beauford - Head Teacher

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I'd like to offer you a very warm welcome to Holy Trinity Church School Yeovil, part of the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust maintaining a strong link with Holy Trinity Church, providing an education firmly rooted in Christian principles.
Learning, Achieving and Flourishing Together in God’s Promises, Goodness and Love.
Adam Beauford - Head Teacher

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