Our Curriculum

Curriculum Vision



Learning, Achieving and Flourishing together in God’s Promises, Goodness and Love is our Christian vision for the school and underpins our curriculum vision. The heart of what we do is to love our children. To love them is to see them as unique individuals – therefore we are strong believers in equality of opportunity and equity. To love them is also to provide clear boundaries, high expectations and experiences and knowledge that provide them with a strong moral foundation and to have a strong and confident identity.

It is essential that we give our children a wide variety of opportunities to build their sense of identity. For those children who need additional support the concept of equity is essential to boost them up so they can equally access the opportunities that we provide. By giving our children many opportunities, we give them options for their future.  The curriculum vision has been devised by our community to reflect the desired outcomes of our curriculum:


  • To enable all our children to develop a deep understanding of the knowledge and skills in each subject, integrating this into their long-term memory.


  • To instil high aspirations in all our children, building a positive mind-set and a sense of belonging by tailoring to our children’s needs.


  • To enable our children to flourish in all areas of our deep and focused curriculum which provides wide opportunities, creating positive school memories.

Together in God’s Promises, Goodness and Love

  • To build children's confidence at expressing their beliefs and to have an awareness and sensitivity of diversity that will enable them to succeed in our modern world.

Our curriculum vision, stated above, is fundamental to all that we do at Holy Trinity. To enable this to be fully realised we have some key approaches that we utilise: Uplift approach and our Gear approach. Uplift is focused on using failure to create success which generates dopamine, thus increasing children’s learning potential. Uplift uses effective assessment to enable all children to receive a tailored learning journey. The Uplift process helps children to develop schemas that help them to understand their learning, thus helping to further integrate this into their long-term memory. To complement this approach, we view our children in three distinct aspects: Academic, Emotional and Identity. We use a diagram of 3 gears to represent these three aspects. Through high quality teaching and a broad and progressive curriculum, we can spin each of gears faster. Through targeted support, we can spin a specific gear faster, influencing the other gears

Our curriculum is underpinned by the National Curriculum. We have ordered our curriculum into 6 distinct parts: Mathematics, English, Science, Foundation Subjects, Religious Education and Personal Development. This was originally conceived to ensure that we provide our children with a broad and sequenced curriculum that is not dominated by the core subjects. As already stated, equality of opportunity is a fundamental concept running through the school.

Our Early Years curriculum is designed to provide a broad and balanced education that meets the needs of all pupils. It enables the children to gain the skills, knowledge and understanding they need, as they start out on their educational journey, supporting them to progress from their individual starting points and preparing them for the next stage of their education. Our ethos in Early Years is to support children’s personal, social and emotional development so that they feel safe, secure and ready to learn. At the beginning of the year, when the children make the transition to school, we primarily focus on the development of friendships and relationships with others and build their confidence in these areas. Through the seven areas of learning we provide topics that excite and engage children, building on their own interests and developing their experiences of the world around them. We recognise that all children come into our school with varied experiences and all staff work hard to ensure that the learning opportunities provided widen the children's knowledge and understanding of the world, setting ambitious expectations for all. The curriculum celebrates diversity and supports the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Children with particular needs, including SEND, are supported appropriately allowing them to be successful.

Simple Guide to Our Curriculum

Curriculum Overview

Our curriculum overview provides an outline of the overall Intent, implementation and impact of our curriculum

Curriculum Policy

EYFS Curriculum Map

Year 1 Curriculum Map

Year 2 Curriculum Map

Year 3 Curriculum Map

Year 4 Curriculum Map

Year 5 Curriculum Map

Year 6 Curriculum Map

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