PSHE and Relationship Education

Our PSHE and Relationship education vision

At Holy Trinity Church School, we believe our PSHE Curriculum will build the foundations and skills to enable them to flourish now and in later life.

We prepare our pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life so that they will be able to make responsible and informed choices for their future. 

    Key Documents:


    PSHE and Relationship Education Curriculum Overview

    RSE Objectives


    Life Skills

    At Holy Trinity, we feel it is paramount to ensure that our children leave our school fully prepared and have the skills to flourish in their life ahead of them. As a school, we explicitly teach 3 life skills within each year group throughout the course of the year. This is in addition to our PSHE curriculum. Please see below the life skills for each year group. 


    PSHE and Relationship Education in action

    Careers Fair 

    This week we have held our first Careers Fair at Holy Trinity School. The Year 5 and 6 children thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to talk to experts and learn more about the different jobs there are. Thank you to everyone who volunteered to come in and talk to the children

    Year 2
    In Class 5 this half term we have been learning how to do up our shoe laces. We practised with a partner and then on our own. We watched Miss Davis very carefully to follow along. We have improved hugely and this is a skill we're going to keep on practising! 
    Year 4
    In Class 9, we have been learning how to mend something using a sewing technique! We worked really hard on this and the results were brilliant! 
    Class 10 have been working really hard learning how to swim! They have had great fun and lots of the children are continuing this skill outside of school! 
    In Class 10, we have been learning how to sew. We took great care with this activity and we did really well!
    Year 5
    In Year 5, we have been learning how to make a packed lunch. We discussed in school what makes a healthy and balanced packed lunch. Then when we were home, we made our packed lunch to bring to school!
    In Year 5 we have learned how to make our bed at home! 
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