Personal Development

Our Personal Development Vision

Personal Development is about the knowledge, understanding and skills the pupils need to manage their lives, both now and in the future. Personal Development helps pupils to thrive as individuals and build their own personal character through their Primary Education.

Our vision, at Holy Trinity, is to provide our pupils with a wide range of experiences in school. These experiences provide skills and opportunities to support pupils both academically and emotionally, as well as helping them to build their own identity. We embed these skills through the lessons we teach and the opportunities we give pupils in school.

Each year at Holy Trinity, we see our pupil’s Personal Development flourish and witness their character and identity grow. The strong foundations pupils build at school better prepare them for their further journey. Our hope is that pupils leave school with fond school memories and use the skills they have learnt to propel them into their future journey.

Key Documents

Personal Development Policy

British Values Progression with ideas

Simple Guide to Personal Development


Personal Development is embedded through:

PSHE and Relationship Education

Please see the drop down menu for more information on PSHE and Relationship Education.


Please see the drop down menu for more information on Diversity.

The British Values

Please see the drop down menu for more information on the British Values.

Community Time

Community Time takes place at least once a fortnight in all classes. During Community Time sessions, the pupils look at:

  • The Rainbow Values
  • The British Values
  • Diversity

Community Time can also be used to develop skills based on what the class needs at the time, for example: friendships, behaviour, identity or emotional literacy (such as Anxiety Gremlin) etc. This varies depending on the pupils and needs in the class.

Each class creates their own rainbow value display during Community Time:

The community time work we complete is displayed in the class floor books:


Children's identity starts growing from the moment they start school. We believe each pupil has the three aspects of academic, emotional and identity to form their character. The diagram of the gears below represent these three aspects. Each aspect is equally important and therefore the growth of a pupil’s identity helps them to grow in other areas.


Identity Club

Identity club happens at least once a fortnight and it allows the pupils to enjoy things that are of interest to them. Different clubs will be set up and pupils choose which club they’d like to sign up to. This gives pupils time to develop their own identities. It is also gives them the chance to experience new hobbies and interests as pupils will be able to take part in activities they may not have done before.

Year R and Year 1

Year 5 and 6

Emotional Development

At Holy Trinity Church School, we use an Emotional Literacy book ‘Starving the Anxiety Gremlin’ by Kate Collins-Donnelly to stem this conversation. This book has a range of activities based around stories, discussions, writing, drawing, puzzles and games. This teaches and encourages the children to express their emotions and feelings. 

Community groups and Pupil Leadership

Heads of school


Junior Governors


Special Days and School Trips

Please see the drop down menu for class event pages in the 'News and Events' tab for year group events.

Holy Trinity's 40th Birthday

Spirituality Day - 'The Trinity'

Arts Week

In June, we had an Arts Week which looks at a range of: art, drama, music, singing and dancing.

Science Week

Snow Day!


Outdoor Learning

Our School Guinea Pigs

Carymoor visiting Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity's Forest School

Year 1 Outdoor Art

Year 6 Forest School at Preston

After School Clubs

Here at Holy Trinity, we place importance on the provision of a wide range of extra-curricular activities. We aim to offer something of interest to every child. We offer Sports Clubs, Arts Clubs, Academic Clubs and External Clubs. 

Sports Clubs

We are members of the Yeovil area Netball, Football and Cross Country leagues. We also organise many different sporting festivals for all the schools in the local area. These sports clubs include: Cross Country, Football, Tag Rugby, Athletics, Rounders, Cricket and Netball. 

Music and The Arts

We offer Choir, Country Dancing, Maypole Dancing and Cookery club led by members of staff at Holy Trinity. We offer an external Dance club as well as Clarinet and Brass lessons, led by Somerset Music, from Year 4 upwards.

Other Clubs

The children have the chance to attend academic clubs such as Maths, Reading and Writing booster clubs. We offer science clubs and FizzPop external clubs too. In the past, we have offered Rubix's Cube Club, Film Club and Calm Club.

Community Links

Music Roadshow performed by Westfield Academy
Westfield Academy performed their ‘Music Roadshow’ to the whole school. They performed with a range of instruments and singing.

Choir singing at Beechwood Care Home

The Lord's Larder

Shoebox Appeal

Fundraising for Burundi 

On Spirituality Day, we looked at Burundi and what life is like in their country. We looked at this through the Great Lakes Outreach project. Each class decided how to fundraise money for Burundi. 
Year 2 raised money by taking part in a triathlon at school.

Class 10 raised money by coming to school in their pyjamas.

Class 12 voted to run a cake sale to raise money for Burundi. The children brought in cakes from home as well as making some in school too. Class 12 raised £119.35 for Burundi!

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