Year 6

Miss Thomas
Class 13 Teacher
Antony Barker.jpg
Mr Barker
Class 14 Teacher

Welcome to Year 6!

Miss Thomas teaches in Class 13. Mr Barker teaches in Class 14

Our Curriculum



Autumn Term

This term focuses on the fundamental mathematical skills and knowledge required to be able to access many other areas of maths and their daily lives. 

Place Value: It will begin with developing their understanding of place value and working with numbers up to 10,000,000, as well as rounding and negative numbers.

Calculation: This will be followed by enhancing their calculation strategies so that they can add and subtract more than 4 digits, multiply and divide 4x2 digit numbers, including by 10, 100 and 1000. All of this will also be done with decimal numbers.

Fractions: The teaching of fractions is largely done through a pictorial approach with the use of a strategy called bar modelling.  There are concrete apparatus for those that still require it.

The children will need to be able to make decimal, % equivalent and conversions, compare and order fractions, add and subtract fractions with different denominators, multiply fractions, divide a fraction by a whole number.

Ratio and Proportion: Again, using a pictorial and practical approach, the children will learn and find a percentage of an amount and solve problems with relative sizes

Spring Term

This term focuses on ensuring the curriculum has been taughts and revised so the children have the fundamental mathematical skills and knowledge required to be able to access many other areas of maths and their daily lives whilst also preparing the children for their SATs.

Measures: The children will be using formule to find the area and volume of compound shapes, and that of triangles and parallelograms too.  We will also be revising converting measurements. 

Geometry: Investigating the property of shapes: classifying, drawing and building them. 

Statistics: Calculating the mean, median and mode of numbers. Constructing pie charts and line graphs - using them to solve problems.

Algebra: Using formulae confidently to solve problems. Creating a sequence of numbers that follow a rule and finding all pairs of numbers which satifiy an equation with two unknowns.

Summer Term

This term, the children will consolidate what they have learned and partake in a variety of investigations.


Autumn Term

Writing: The children will focus on the revision of basic punctuation and text and sentence structure through the reimagining of Three Little Pigs and Billy Goats Gruff at the beginning of the year.  From this, the children will move into suspense stories where the children will learn to create an atmosphere as well as studying literary language to enhance their writing.  Later in the term, the focus will switch to recounts, in particular newspaper writing.  This will be learned through the context of Wallace and Gromit.

Linking with their topic writing, the children will be required to write instructions for their model plans, focusing on the structure and levels of formality

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar: Grammar features will be linked to our writing and be specific to the text type that the children are learning.  These will include punctuation for speech, formal and informal language, relative pronouns and clause and parenthesis.  Alongside this, there will be weekly dedicated session where the children will revise all elements of grammar from KS2 in preparation for their SATs tests.

Reading:  Fluency of reading and comprehension skills will be the focus as the children study Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo. Alongside this, there will be dedicated reading sessions where the children will read a variety of shorter texts to practice a range of comprehension skills across different text types

Spring Term

Writing: Information Text. This will link with a topics and extend children’s knowledge of using a wider range of sentence types and vocabulary.

Narrative: The Island by Armin Greder as the stimulus for all of our writing this term.  The book brings about issues that revolve around isolation and discrimination.  From this, the children will write balanced arguments, formal letters and a legend story about how the wall on the island came to be.

Reading:  Comprehension skills will continue to be the focus as the children study the novel, Skellig whilst also focusing on SATs-style questions in preparation for the SATs in May.

Spelling, Punctuaton and Grammar: Grammar features will be linked to our writing and be specific to the text type that the children are learning.  These will include the use of Standard English, cohesion, semi-colon and colons to separate clauses.  Alongside this, there will be weekly dedicated session where the children will revise all elements of grammar from KS2 in preparation for their SATs tests.

Summer Term

Writing: This term we focus on formal writing, including formal letters after which, we will learn and develop an understanding of The Highwayman creating our own versions of the poem.

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar: Grammar features will be linked to our writing and be specific to the text type that the children are learning.  These will include punctuation for speech, formal and informal language, relative pronouns and clause and parenthesis.  Alongside this, there will be weekly dedicated session where the children will revise all elements of grammar from KS2 in preparation for their SATs tests.

Reading:  Fluency of reading and comprehension skills will be the focus as the children study Skellig. Alongside this, there will be dedicated reading sessions where the children will read a variety of shorter texts to practice a range of comprehension skills across different text types. 


The children will holding in depth discussions, study using a range of sources with the aim to answers the following questions for themselves and back their thoughts up with reasons and evidence.

  • Christianity -The Kindgom of God: what kind of king is Jesus?
  • Christianity - What difference does the resurrection make for Christians?
  • Christianity - Salvation
  • Christianity -Gospel
  • Islam: What is the best way for a Muslim to show commitment to God


Electricity: The children will demonstrate a deeper understanding of electrical circuites and apply this to the creation of a product.

Light: The children will understand that light travels in straight lines and how we can see objects as well as understanding why light causes shadows and can investigate this working scientifically   

Evolution and Inheritance: The children will show that they understand what evolution and inheritance is. 

Classification: The children will show that they understand how animals are grouped based on their characteristics and similarities and differences. This includes plants, animals and microorganisms.

Human Anatomy: The children will show that they understand the cardiovascular system, digestive system and cirulatory system. 

Foundation Subjects

The focus will continute to be on Invasion Games involving throwing and catching and the tactics around these.  Most games will be modified and accessible for all children.  These range from tchoukball, dodgeball, ball tag, bench ball and kabaddi. The children will also continue to focus on Independent Skills and targets through the REAL PE programme. 


During the year, the children will listen and appraise a piece of music from a different period in history or a different part of the world, as well as spending time each lesson on music theory. They will complete a detailed using the glockenspiels, notation, an orchestra study and learning to use Garage Band.


During the year, the children will learn the vocabulary for ‘Eating Out’.  They will be able to order food and drinks from a café or restaurant, ask for a table and talk about the weights of fruit and vegetables. The children will be able to describe themselves and other people using the language of eye colour, hair colour and hair style.  They will also revise the topic of clothes and incorporate that into a description.  They will also learn the vocabulary for parts of the body and be able to say if they are feeling ill.  They will also revise some Christmas vocabulary and use their skills to help translate longer sentences.


Rivers: Through this topic the children will learn the water cycle, parts of the river and how we use rivers, both positive and negative.

Trade: Through this topic the children will learn about the global supply chain, imports and exports of the natural materials such as nautal gas, coal, oil, food and other products.  They will study Fair Trade and compare how modern trade is similar and different to trade during the Maya Civilisation.


WW2: The children will complete an in-depth study of WW2 with the focus on the leaders of the WW2 as well as taking a closer look at The Blitz and its impact on our country.

Maya Civilisation: The children will learn about the magnificent Mayans, who they were, when they settled, key cities, and will focus on their food production and how their civilisation is similar and different to those also studied across the school. 

Art and DT: 

The children will take part in chocolate making which links to Mayans, Mayan Masks, Model planes which links to WW2, fairground carousel with programable components, Kandinsky, Ben Kwok and digital art.


The children will develop skills in these areas: Coding, Spreadsheets, Quizzing, Text, Blogging, iMovie, Electronic Yearbook creation. 

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