Katy Witcombe.jpg
Mrs Witcombe
Class 1 Teacher
Jo Veryard.jpg
Mrs Veryard
Class 2 Teacher
Assistant Head Teacher

EYFS Leader of Learning
Paula Harris.jpg

Mrs Harris
Class 2 Teacher

Welcome to our EYFS page!

Mrs Witcombe is the teacher in class 1.

Mrs Veryard teaches on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in Class 2 and Mrs Harris teaches on Thursday and Friday.

We have a team of teaching assistants who work in both classes in EYFS and they are:

Miss Sarah Hooper (HLTA)

Mrs Mala Freeman

Mrs Anna Chilvers

Miss Samantha Austin

EYFS Curriculum Meeting:

Please find a link to the PowerPoint slides used in our recent currciulum meeting:

EYFS Team Meeting

Summer Term 2024

This half term the children will be looking at the topic Minibeasts! The children will be having a visit from Bug Fest to look at different insects and mini creatures from around the world! During this topic the children will be be completing bug hunts around the school and thinking about the different environments where insects live and why.

This half term we will be looking at these books and vocabulary:

Week 1 - Book - Mad About Minibeasts Vocabulary - famous, scrummy, beautiful, cling

Week 2 - Book - What Am I? Vocabulary - clues, description, minibeast

Week 3 - Book - Minibeasts Habitats Vocabulary - habitats, micro-habitats, camouflage, vibrations

Week 4 - Book - The Hungry Caterpillar Vocabulary - Salami, cocoon, Swiss cheese

Week 5 - Book - The Bad Tempered Ladybird Vocabulary - Bad tempered

Week 6 - Book - Aaargh Spider! Vocabulary - pet, scared

Personal, Social and Emotional Development:

The children will be learning the classroom rules and learning to play and share with the other children in the class. 

The children will also be thinking about the importance of taking turns in conversations and that everybody's opinions are important.

After half term the children will be looking at the topic Count Down to Christmas where we will be learning about the meaning of this special time and using lots of different activities and crafts too.


The children will be learning different letter sounds this term. We will be looking at the way each letter is written and there will be rhymes to sing along to when writing each letter. The children will bring home the phonic sheets in their book bags to practice at home with you. These letters all form part of our basic code which we gave you a copy of in your welcome pack. 

The children will also bring home a phonics book where we will ask them to draw pictures of objects starting with the letter sound we have learnt. For example a sock for the letter s.


Whilst the children are learning the different letter sounds we will also be learning the correct way to hold a pencil when writing and also practice to use scissors in the creative area.


During our maths lessons the children will be learning about the different numbers to 5 to begin with and then to 10. The children will be completing lots of practical activities to help them recognise these numbers in lots of different ways. The children will also be learning number writing rhymes to help them form the numbers correctly. These rhymes were also in your welcome pack.


Our PE days are on a Monday and a Wednesday and the children will need to come to school dressed in their PE kits. The children will have the chance to be outside and inside. We will begin inside with using the apparatus and learning the climb, jump and land safely.

Don't Forget:

The children will need to bring their book bags each day as they will be bringing home reading books and phonics folders to practice at home.

The children will need to bring a water bottle each day. Please only put water in this bottle - thank you.

If you have any worries or concerns, please talk to adults in your child's class. We are always here to help!

Resources to Support Learning:

Parent Workshops

Last year we completed a series of workshops for the parents to attend and the information is here for you to see:

Session 1 - Expectations in Reception: Being Independent. 

EYFS Parent Meeting 1

Session 2 - The beginnings of Literacy: Phonics and Reading.

Session 3 - The Importance of Fine Motor Skills: Writing.

EYFS Parent Meeting 3

Session 4 -  The Value of Play at School: Indoors and Outdoors. 

EYFS Parent Meeting 4

Session 5 - Maths in Reception: Number and Shape.

EYFS Parent meeting 5

Session 6 - Taking care of yourself: Parent's Well being.

EYFS Parent Meeting 6

EYFS Phonics and Reading Meeting

EYFS Phonics and Reading Meeting PowerPoint

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