Year 5

Adam Freeman.jpg

Mr Freeman

Class 11 Teacher


Miss Morley

Class 12 Teacher

Welcome to Year 5

The teachers in Year 5 are Mr Adam Freeman  (Class 11) and Miss Amy Morley (Class 12). 

Summer Term 2024


This term, we are focussing on persuasive writing. We are looking at using powerful sentence starters, persuasive language, rhetorical questions and modal verbs to enhance the writing. By the end of the unit, the children will write their own persuasive piece of writing to persuade Mr Beauford, the teachers and governors to have something to be made to put in the school grounds.

Later in the term, we will focus on narrative writing linking to the story 'Kensuke's Kingdom'.

Grammar is taught weekly focusing on sentence structure, identifying and using auxiliary and modal verbs, relative clauses and relative pronouns, parenthesis, commas to avoid ambiguity and building cohesion within and between paragraphs. 

Guided Reading is taught weekly and this term the children will study a range of text types, including fiction, non-fiction, diaries and poetry.

Regular reading at home is essential. Children who read at least four times a week make the most progress with their literacy in school - please encourage them to read and sign their logs too!


In the summer term, we will be learning about:

  • Geometry - Shape
  • Geometry - Position and Direction
  • Number - Decimals
  • Number - Negative Numbers
  • Measurement - Converting units
  • Measurement - Volume

In Maths, we use a CPA approach (Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract) to embed the children’s learning and to help them understand the learning in different ways. As part of the maths units, we will revise some of the key success criteria covered in year 4.

Quick recall of times tables is crucial to our maths work in year 5 and so the children will complete Club Times Tables in class. As they progress through the tables, the children will need to answer more questions correctly within the time before they can move up to the next level.


In Geography, we will begin our topic on ‘Intrepid Explorers’. The children will begin by learning about the locations of countries within the world and focus on Europe, locating countries and identifying their capital cities. They will then move on to explore North and South America. They will then learn about the physical and human features of North and South America and compare and contrast examples of these.


The science topic for the first half of this term is ‘Properties and Changes of Materials’. The children will learn about the properties of a range of materials and how materials are fit for different purposes. They will explore what happens when materials and mixed and investigate various ways of separating mixtures.

During the second half of the term, our topic is ‘Living Things and their Habitats’. In this topic, the children will learn about reproduction in plants and the life cycles of mammals, birds and plants.


Each week in class we look at a new spelling rule. The children have ten spellings to learn at home and there will be a spelling test each Monday using these words. The children will have weekly spelling homework which includes an activity linked to the spelling words and a handwriting task. Throughout the week at school, the children complete a SACAWAC sheet focusing on their spellings as well as tricky words that they will use throughout their writing. 


During these lessons we will think about our rainbow values as well as discuss and look at:

  • How we can be safe online and using social media?
  • What makes us enterprising?


We start with a unit called ‘God’ where the children will find out what it means if God is loving and holy.  The final RE topic of the year is a return to Sikhism where we focus on the best way for a Sikh to show commitment to God.


In music after half-term, we will start preparing for our musicals singing performance for the end of term. 


This term, we are continuing to use Purple Mash for our unit: 'Word Processing with Microsoft word'.


In French this half-term, the children will be learning the vocabulary for clothes.  They will be able to talk about what they and other people are wearing and learn to describe the colours and sizes of the clothes.


Below is a timetable of when homework is given out and expected back in. Please ensure your child has completed their homework within the given time.


- Spelling test

- Homework due back


New spelling rule taught in school & new spellings set


- New homework set

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