Here, teachers will be nominating children of all abilities to share and celebrate their writing.
Class 4: Leena for her beautiful handwriting and segmenting of words to spell accurately.
Class 2: Ralph. He received the handwriting cup last week for his letter and sentence formation.
Class 5: Ivy: The childrenn had to write a letter as if they were Florence Nightingale writing to a relative back home in England and telling him/her all about life in the Crimea and the conditions at Scutari hospital. Ivy put in a lot of effort to make her letter sound authentic and tried hard with her handwriting.
Class 11: Lauren. Lauren has enjoyed writing in her own time and has begun to write her own stories at home. She has taken a wonderful idea and written the first part of her novel.
Class 10: Evie for her wonderful use of personification in her 'short burst' writing.
January 2025:
Class 13:
Ellie: for her choice of ambitious vocabulary and ways of wording phrases to uplift her work, as well as a variety of sentence types.
Olivia: for demonstrating her voice as an author, and how this comes through in her writing.
Riley: for his improvement in cohesion in his work and a variety of sentences types.
Willow: for her choice of sentence starters and determination to get so much more written down in the allotted time.
Class 12:
Joshua M, Charlotte and Daisy for their effort and care they have taken over their imitations.
Class 7: Sasha and Imogen.
Class 9: Iyla for as she used previous lessons criteria in this short burst piece and applied it well.
Class 6: Molly for her retelling for the Three Little Pigs which has some lovely description and punctuation including elipises.
Class 12: Aria has worked hard to be consistent with capital letters and full stops as well as using fronted adverbials to make her writing flow better.
Class 14: Berry for explaining her imaginative creature use a welath of new punctuation and devices to engage the reader.
Class 3: Emily: 'She really thought about her description of the gingerbread man. She tried to include adjectives that weren’t just about colour and she contributed hugely to ideas when we were collecting vocabulary earlier in the lesson.'
Class 7:
George R, for a well written story, including all of the skills and features covered within the unit.
Class 7: Isabel, for beautiful presentation of her final piece.
Class 5: Eden R for excellent effort, including all of the features in their innovated story.
Class 10: Gracie, for accurate speech punctuation whilst including adverbs and manupulating the reporting clause.
Class 12: Alan, for applying the use of conjunctions in his imitation.
Class 13: Oliver M for the different devices he has used to be able to create a descriptive piece in order to paint a detailed picture in his reader's mind. His choice of language has also been carefully selected, aiming for more ambitious vocabulary.
Class 5: Gold: Alongside adding extra description, Gold has worked really hard to include lots of writing features including adverbs, fronted adverbials and speech. We wrote the story over a number of sessions and this is her published end result. Gold and the rest of Class 5 enjoyed sharing their stories with children from Class 4 this afternoon.
Class 8: Alex because he has shown his understanding and knowledge of written English in this peace and Mrs Camp is extremely proud.
Class 9: Charlotte for her use of expanded noun phrases and adverbs after speech.
Classs 13: Katie: Miss Thomas particularly enjoy the description at the start of her story and the choice of vocabulary.
Class 12: Berry, Iona and Isabella: they have worked so hard to apply what we have learnt this year whilst using persuasion features well.
Class 8: Frank for his determination and resilience to keep going and not give up on improving his work.
Class 3: Liam: He was really imaginative when writing his ‘Treasure Island’ poem. He used interesting verbs, some adverbs and made good use of alliteration.
Class 4: Stanley for his effort in writing a sea-themed poem.
Class 6: David A
Class 9:
Josh M: for using all the features his teacher was looking for and using sentences starter in an interesting way as well asll using impressive vocabulary too.
Grayson H: for his work on personifying a setting. His handwriting is lovely and neat his ideas just blew his teacher away!
April 2024:
Class 10: Eleanor for using excellent vocabulary and relative clauses in her work.
Class 12:
Toby: for using his polishing pen to ensure tha all punctuation is present and correct.
Mila: for ensuring she has used a range of dropped in clauses and sentence starters
Class 14: The whole class! for their fantastic legends about 'How the wall came to be...' based around the picture book, The Island by Armin Greder.
March 2024:
Class 12: Gabriella and Ruby for their superb effort applying year 5 punctuation.
Class 8: Amleia S: Mrs Camp has been really impressed with the improvement in your writing - well done!
Class 11:
Dion and Sabir for showing a well set out letter of thanks with clear paragraphing and engaging content.
Class 9:
Grayson, Daisy, Eric for using similes as sentence openers to describe a character from their key text of Once Upon A Fairytale.
Class 10:
Finley and Aadarsh for wonderful use of sentence openers and similes.
February 2024:
Writing Group: Flynn, Rhys, Athur, Thomas, Willow, Tai, Minnie, Elliott, Anthony, Olivia-Rose
This group have been working hard on a small project based around the book The Arrival by Shaun Tan. They produced some art work that was inspired by elements of the picture book and used this as a stimulus for creative writing.
Class 6: Ruby for her wonderful work that has been written in the style of Mike Brownlow who will be visiting Lower School during World Book Week!
Class 4: Dimitar because he is making a real effort to consider the skills he is learning in each session and he is using them in his writing. He makes use of the current learning goal as well as previous learning goals to inform his work.
Class 2: Olivia for developing really well with her sentence writing.
Class 8: Jake because he has worked extremely hard and produced the best piece of work he has done this year. Mrs Camp is extremely proud!
January 2024:
Class 9: Daisy and Ella for their published narrative recounts.
Class 14: Boris, Luna, Evie, for their work on suspence stories with a focus on description and sentence types.
Class 12: Aluna for her use of personification in a setting description.
November 2023:
Class 6: Sasha, for her beautifully presented diary entry about the Gunpowder Plot.
Class 7: Lucy, for a great range of connectives in her work.
Class 8: Brajan, for using a great range of connectives in his work.
Class 12:
Isabella, Jack and India for their non-chronological reports.
Class 10: Isobel H for wonderful alliteration and good poetry.
Class 12: Mila, Aman, Livvy, and Maddison for their double page spreads.
Class 13: Annabelle and Julia for their application of colons and semi-colons to their pieces of writing.
Class 9: Matteo, for great innovation of a poem but still in keeping with the original style. He sued a thesaurus well to find synonyms as replacement vocabulary. choices.
October 2023:
Class 4: Eden: for a beautifully presented insturctions of how to bake a gingerbread man with great letter formation.
Class 8: Kayla-Mae and Jack E: They worked independently and tried their best and produced excellent pieces of work.
Class 7: Thomas and Gracie for their purple polishing to make independent changes to their work, as well as having it beautifully presented.
Class 3: William: he always listens to the advice given and really goes above and beyond with his efforts in writing lessons.
September 2023:
Class 14: Casey and Sara for the application of the skills practised and wonderful language choices in their adapted versions of the Three Little Pigs which they will be sharing with Reception and Year 1.
Class 9: Alan for his great use of interesting vocabulary.
Class 12: Iona for her information page on herself!
Class 6: Daniel for his written work on Oliver's Vegetables
June 2023:
Class 9: Charlotte, Maria and Hettie for their beautifully presented work on La Luna.
Class 7: Ellie M for a fantastic persuasive letter which used excellent vocabulary.
Class 10:
Livvy, Aluna, Iona for their wonderful Double-Page Spreads.
Writing Group: Antony, Rhys, Maison, Pippa, Harry D, Bailey, Thomas, Tiffany, Alyshia, Sam. These children have worked over a couple of short sessions throughout the year, improving elements of their writing. In the final session, they had the chance to publish their final pieces. Here are some examples of their work:
Class 12:
These children impressed their teacher with their persuasive pieces of writing! They used clear structures and used the example texts to help when needed.
May 2023:
Class 6: Lyla for a massive improvement in her writing and making use of all the skills we have learnt so far in our letter writing unit. Well done!
Class 2: Willow because she wrote this sentence independently and remembered to place in a capital letter, finger spaces and full stop. She has also tried to sound out and spell the word some.
Stanley because he has been working hard to remember everything he needs to write a sentence and he did this independently.
Class 7: Lily because she used such a good range of sentence types for her balanced argument and really managed to show both sides of the argument.
Class 14: Abi, for her wonderful version of The Mischievians; Jack for his balanced argument about The Man on the Island; and Treasure for her animal adaptations and making excellent progress since joining in the Spring term.
Class 3: Sasha, Ruby and Bhavanni for their wondefully presented stories of The Rainbow Fish.
April 2023:
Class 5: Cleaven, Beatrice, Ted and Oliver C for their information texts about their own chosen topic.
Class 12: Sara, Abi and Harvey for a detailed fable and included -Ed clauses, colons and semi colons!
Class 2: Molly, for her independent writing, segmenting words into the sounds she has learned to help her spell.
Class 13: Flo, for her explanation text using The Mischievians as a stimulus.
March 2023
Class 8: Charlotte, for her improved poem.
February 2023:
Class 4: Noah and Isabel for their wonderful letters based on the book 'Lost and Found.'
Class 12: Faina for the hard work she has put in to improve her punctuation since joining us.
Class 7: Willow, for their setting and character description.
Class 8: Ella: "Since we have started inverted commas Ella has paid so much attention to what has been taught. She has also shown she is able to apply this to not one but two different Roman myths, as well as still including the detail to make the story flow."
Class 8: Theo for his progress in writing. There's no stopping him now! Here is his fantastic retelling of Romulus and Remus, where he ensured had all the detail to make the story flow.
Class 8: Jack for taking on inverted commas really well, paying attention to detail and ensuring he has a new line for every speaker!
Class 14: Suspence Stories 'double page spreads'
January 2023:
Class 5: Gracie, for a beautifully written, descriptive piece based on the picture book Journey by Aaron Becker.
Class 12: Olivia, for a wonderfully written suspence story.
Class 5: Sophie, for diary entry about Guy Fawkes.
Class 2: Ivy, for her sentence construction about superheroes.
December 2022:
Class 6: Aoife, for a fanstasic Ketchup poem.
November 2022:
Class 14: Millie, for making excellent progress in the last unit of work - well done!
Class 12: Ava, for her dairy entry with some great language choices.
Class 10: Mila for a beautful poem about a Flamingo, after their poetry unit on The Lost Words
Class 7: River, for a well presented information text about World Cup countries.
October 2022:
Class 5: Thomas, for an excellent revolting recipe using great time connectives and even brackets! Well done!
Class 7: Willow, for an information text about herself independently, using paragraphs and including excellent detail.
September 2022:
Class 10: Janey, for a use of expanded noun phrases.
Class 12: Luna, for her fanstastic, descriptive piece of writing.
Class 13: Isla, for an excellent introduction for her invented story during our Author Focus Week (Oliver Jeffers)
July 2022: As the year draws to a close, we wanted to share some wonderful writing from our Reception children.
13th June 2022:
Class 1: Olivia, for progress with working completely independently on her writing and remembering capital letters and full stops all on her own.
Class 7: Mabel, for her excellent work in letter writing where she has been working really hard on using a range of conjunctions as well as sticking to the features of a letter.
6th June 2022:
Class 5: Alan and Delilah, for their fantastic effort and improvement in their writing. In particular, Alan for his neatness and Delilah for joining up letters.
Class 6: Willow, for her consistency with her writing. She always tries her best and uses punctuation consistently. She confidently uses paragraphs and writes in detail. In this piece, she uses scientific language to give information about plants.
Class 9: Finley, for an excellent poem about Vikings
23rd May 2022:
Class 10: Ava, for a fantastic topic poem on the vikings
Class 13: Isabelle, for a playful, formal letter
16th May 2022:
Class 4: Jyotsna, for her excellent re-write of the Rainbow Fish
Class 7: Oliver M for a fantastic, well-presented pieces with excellent sentence openers in his opinion writing.
Class 12: Tilly F, for excellent structure of her persuasive piece of writing
9th May 2022:
Class 3: Frank and Ruby, for their 'under the sea' poems
2nd May 2022:
Class 10: Greta and Peggy, for their poem
Class 14: Olivia, for an excellent Legend based on the picture book 'The Island' by Armin Greder
Class 14: Euan, for an excellent Legend based on the picture book 'The Island' by Armin Greder
25th April 2022:
Class 1: Zachary Z: Zachary is chosen for entirely independent writing and having a go at writing absolutely anything on his own!
Class 13: Izabella for making a great start at the beginning of their formal writing unit.
4th April 2022:
Class 6: Maya: For not only writing towards the success criteria of subordination, but for also using things we have learnt in the past. She has used commas really well. Recently her writing also is really descriptive.
Class 12: Daniel, for applying the new levels of punctuation that he has learned recently.
28th March 2022:
Class 5: Willow, for a fantastic story
Class 5: River, for a fantastic story
Class 5: Aadarsh, for his fantastic story
Class 7: Oliver M for excellent use of adjectives and correctly using speech.
Class 11:
Poppy, for a wonderful 'thank-you' letter to a member of staff at Mill-on-the-Brue
21st March 2022:
Class 4: Gracie, for writing an innovated story ‘Lost and Found’ by the author Oliver Jeffers. Her teacher liked her presentation, her detail, her improvements and the sequencing of her work.
Class 10: Ava, for increased confidence with writing, improved quality and quantity. Additionally, it shows she listened well to input and grasped the success criteria of including repetition in a recount to persuade the reader brilliantly.
Class 14: Aniela, for a fantasic balanced argument based on the picture book 'The Island' by Armin Greder. See the link below.
18th March 2022: Class 3, Class 8, Class 9, Class 13
Class 3: Jack, for a fantastic story based on the book 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers
Class 8: Jack, for his hard work and amazing progress so far this year:
Class 9: Boris, for applying all of the skills learned within the unit to create this fantastic piece of writing
Class 13: Anna. Click the link below to read:
11th March 2022: Class 12
Class 12: Louie, for careful layout and presentation of his work.
4th March 2022: Class 1 and Class 7
Class 1: George for completing the work entirely independently.
Class 7: Hettie for amazing presentation