2024-2025 Academic Year:
DT – Making Instruments
Linking with our Science Unit of Sound, we have made musical instruments in DT. We followed our DT process of researching, creating a prototype, designing our final model, making and then evaluating. We really enjoyed this unit and loved being creative. Look at our final models:
Christmas Cards Art
We made out Christmas cards using Microsoft PowerPoint. We filled in the background and used shapes to make different Christmas pictures. We had never done this before so we are very proud of what we made.
Christmas Jumper Day
Christmas Art
We created some Christmas Art for our Year 4 display. Each year group has a different part of the story. Our part is the 3 kings following the star on their camels. In pairs, we created some rt work to show the star and the camels. 3 children will be creating the 3 kings to add to the display.
Posada Boxes
In our Worships we have been learning about Posada and how ‘Posada’ (Spanish for ‘inn’) is a Christmas activity when small versions of Mary and Joseph travel around different households in the community and stay there for one night.
We set the Nativity scenes up in our class and took some photos. The children are now taking it in turns to take the Posada boxes home to set up and share the Posada Prayer with their families.
History Day:
Today, we had a History Day! We learnt all about Henry VIII and his six wives. We did lots of different activities including: Art work on one of Henry’s wives, learning all about his different wives and why he had so many as well as comprehending a text about Herny VIII. We enjoyed watching a Horrible Histories Episode on Henry VIII. Look at our great work:
Remembrance Day
For Remembrance we made a class wreath. Class 9 painted some pictures inspired by the day, and Class 10 wrote some prayers. Some of the prayers and paintings were shared in our Remembrance Day worship which followed the two minutes silence down at the labyrinth.
Life Skills
As part of Year 4 Life Skills, we as the children to buy something from a shop and show how independent they can be. The children enjoyed spending money on sweets and other treats for this task.
This half term, we have looked at the story of ‘The Way Back Home’ by Oliver Jeffers. We have looked at coordinating conjunction, expanded noun phrases and speech. Enjoy our final piece on the story.
Maths Day:
We loved Maths Day! We all dressed up with anything number related. Some of us had numbers on the back of our football shirts, some of us made our outfits with numbers on them. One of us wrote on our shirt: “Maths – why don’t you sort out your own problems!”
We did lots of fun activities, we spent time learning how to tell the time. Once we grasped the concept, we played a time board game:
We did some Maths Art work in the style of Piet Mondrian using dienes. Can you work out what number have made?
We also played a game called Ladders. We had to use dice to make numbers and decide where we put these numbers on our ladder.
Science – States of Matter
For our Science unit, we looked at changing of states. We looked at how the particles change when an item is going from solid to liquid. To help us understand this we did a Science experiment on melting chocolate. We saw the different stages of the melting process and thought about how the particles must be during the different stages. We then were lucky enough to have a spoon of the melted chocolate – yum!
2023-2024 Academic Year:
Our little visitor
A regular visitor to Year 3 is Dylan. Although he is based in Class 8, he spends an hour of the day with Class 7. Dylan helps the children stay calm and gives extra support to those children who need it. He works hard all day supporting the children and at the end of the day, has a well earned rest!
Alberto Giacometti
Continuing with our Stone Age theme, the children have been creating sculptures out of foil. The inspiration from for which came from the contemporary sculpture - Alberto Giacometti. The children loved this topic and were proud of what they produced.
Stone Age Jewellery
Linked to our topic of the Stone Age we made 3d jewellery. We used our maths knowledge to design and make our jewellery. After trying different designs, we chose our favourite and made them from clay.
Hinduism - Diva Lamps
As part of our Hinduism topic, the children have been learning about Diwali. As part of their learning, the children used clay to make their own diva lamps.
Our Year 3 performance this year was Babushka. All of the children took part and worked extremely hard, learning their lines and their cues. There were lots of new skills learnt and the children did amazingly well, with a dress rehearsal to the school and two performances to parents and carers. We are extremely proud of them all.
Our trip to Stonehenge
We had a wonderful visit to Stonehenge during our Autunm Term which helped bring our Stone Age. The children carried out three workshops and toured the stones. The three workshops included rebuilding a miniture version of Stonehenge, handling artefacts linked to living in the Stone Age and using levers and pulleys to raise the stones into their foundation holes.
2022-2023 Academic year
Our trip to Axe Valley Wildlife Park!
This half term we have been learning about living things and their habitats. We have also been learning about Africa and the animals that live there. Therefore, a trip to Axe Valley Wildlife Park was the perfect school trip for us! When we first arrived, we were met by Catherine who talked to us about different animals you can find in Africa and what their natural habitats look like. We were very brave and we held lots of different animals. We had the opportunity to hold a land snail, a tortoise, a bearded dragon and a python!
Class 5
Even the teachers were brave...
We then went to the Meerkat enclosure and we were asked to help the rangers out by feeding them their breakfast! We had to be very careful to not tip the pot into the enclosure. The meerkats must have been very hungry because they were making lots of noise and standing up on their back legs. After, we had the opportunity to explore the wildlife park and see all the other animals that live there. We had a fantastic day!
3D Art work project
As a school, we were all set the task to create a 3D art work display for the school. Year 2 were given the theme of 'aliens'. We all thought about the materials that would be good to use and brought in the materials we could use as a class. We then worked in groups to create the art work and then we painted it. It took lots of patience but the final products look amazing!
Class 5
The final product
Spirituality Day
Our focus for Spirituality Day was Pentecost. We started the day by watching a Daniel England worship telling the story of Pentecost. We then worked together in our table groups to rewrite the story of Pentecost with pictures.
We made a fire headband to represent the Holy Spirit coming down onto Jesus' disciples! We talked about how a dove can also be a representation of the Holy Spirit so we created our own dove from a paper plate and added fire underneath his wings. We have had a great day learning all about Pentecost! What a great way to end the half term!
Class 5
Class 6
Secret Agent Training - Completed!
This week has been a very busy week in Year 2 as the children have been completing their Secret Agent Training tests (SAT's). We are unbelievably proud of each and every one of them and how hard they all tried.
On Friday, we received a parcel from Agent Smith himself from the Secret Agents. He sent us a letter congratulating the children on their hard work and as a reward the children each received a certificate! We also received a film to watch as a reward and we even enjoyed some delicious popcorn!
Coronation Day!
We have had a fantastic day celebrating King Charles III Coronation! We watched our Holy Trinity King be crowned this morning before making our own crowns. We used shiny paper to make jewels to decorate our crowns. We also made Coronation Frames by using pictures based around the Royal Family and the Coronation which we put our own pictures in of our crowns.
We also planted some seeds around the labyrinth. Each year group had a section of the labyrinth and some different flowers to plant! Hopefully they will all grow beautifully throughout the summer and we can see all our hard work!
Class 5
The sun decided to come out so we sat outside with our picnic blankets and enjoyed a piece of cake!
Class 6
JAM Club
We have been very lucky that Mrs Richardson has started to run her JAM club for Year 2 children this term. JAM stands for 'Jesus and Me'. Usually, every session, Mrs Richardson will read a story from the Bible and there will be an activity also linking with the story.
In today's session, Mrs Richardson read the parable of the two sons and the apple orchard. Then, the children created their own baskets with apples in it. They looked amazing!
Preparing for the Coronation of King Charles III
Year 2 have been given the task of decorating the boards in the main corridor at our school. We chose the theme of the Coronation as it is soon coming up! We really enjoyed learning about the Coronation and why it is important to our country. We also thoroughly enjoyed making art work that we put on our display. First, we created a side portrait of King Charles. We used different colour tissue paper to decorate it. We then stuck it on a colourful piece of card so it stands out on our display.
We then enjoyed making union jack bunting and flags using paint and our fingers - it got a little messy! Our display looks fantastic due to our hard work!
Class 5
Class 6
The Final Product!
Easter Cards
Today, we made Easter cards ready to take home to give to our friends and family for Easter. We took the design step by step, drawing the sun and the hill first before adding the crosses. We used oil pastels to create our design!
Class 6
World Book Day 2023!
We have thorouhgly enjoyed our World Book Day today! We loved dressing up as a book character and our costumes looked fantastic!
Class 6
Today we have started our new Science unit on plants! Today we have planted our very own bean plant and we are hoping that we will see them grow over the next few weeks! First, we named the bags and then, we put cotton wall at the bottom of the bag. Next, we put a little bit of water in the bag and finally, we put our bean seed in the bag. We zipped the bag up so that the plant will stay nice and warm. We can't wait to see the plants grow over the next few weeks!
The Results
When we returned to school after the Easter Holidays, we were amazed to see that our seeds had germinated and had grown into a plant! The roots had continued to grow and we could see them at the bottom of the bag. The stem had grown lots too and leaves had started to grow! We couldn't believe how much the plants had grown in just 2 weeks!
Class 6
We used compost and pots to plant our runner beans and hopefully after the Easter Holidays, we will be able to see the seeds germinate and see how they have grown!
Designing, making and testing our bridges!
This half term we have been learning about materials in science. We have identified everyday materials, described their properties, and compared the suitability of everyday materials. This has helped us with our DT learning. In DT, the children were given the task of choosing suitable everyday materials to plan and make a bridge that could hold weight. We thought very carefully about the materials that would be useful and could hold weight. We also thought of materials that wouldn’t be suitable as it would break if we put weight on to the bridge (for example, paper).
Making the bridges
After we had carefully planned what materials we would need and what our bridge would look like, we then found the materials that we needed and brought them to school. For our INSPIRE morning, we brought in some helpers for this lesson and we were very lucky to have an adult each to help us use the scissors and hot glue gun to bring our plan to life!
The final product
We were all so impressed with how well the adults and children did during our INSPIRE morning! The bridges looked incredible! The children felt very proud of themselves and said it was great fun turning our plans into a reality!
Class 6
Testing our bridges
After we made our bridges, we then predicted how much weight our bridge would be able to hold without bending or snapping. The bridges were very rigid and strong enough to hold nearly all the weights we had! It was great fun!
Science projects
This week, we were given the task to create a Science project to present at our Year 2 Science Fair! Lots of us put in so much effort and they looked incredible! A huge well done to everyone who took part in this.
Science week
This week has been science week at school. We were given the theme of 'space' and we have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the sun and the earth in Year 2. We took part in many experiments and learned lots of interesting facts. We learned that the Earth travels around the Sun and that it takes a whole year to go around the sun once! We also learned about craters on the moon! We used sand and marbles to re-create craters. We then did a whole class experiment of working out which material would be best for an astronaut to use when he/she goes to space. We knew that Space was a very cold place so that the material would have to keep the most heat in. We used thermometers to help work out which material would be best.
Class 6
Diversity learning
This half term in our Diversity lessons, we have been learning about 'appearances' and what this means. We have discussed how we look different to other people. We thought about our skin colour, hair colour, eye colour, moles, freckles, birth marks and possibly disabilities people may have. We also thought about how lots of people in Class 5 wear glasses - including Miss Davis and Mrs Cartwright!
We then painted portraits of ourselves thinking carefully about the colour of our skin, hair and eyes. Look how different we all are!
Class 6
The Papaya Who Spoke
This week is National Storytelling week. In Year 2, we have been learning the story 'the papaya who spoke'. We learned actions to the story and acted it out in groups. Lots of us had never heard of a papaya so we chopped some up and enjoyed tasting papaya for the first time!
Class 5
Class 6
Enjoying the snow!
We were very excited that it started to snow whilst we were at school! We wrapped up in our coats, gloves, hats and scarves and went for a winter walk around the playground! We then enjoyed playing in the snow and making snowballs!
Maths Day
We had a great time celebrating Maths Day today. We completed a task where we had to work with a partner and use lots of different maths skills to work out who stole the missing trophy. We also followed maths clues and be the first team to crack the code! All of our Maths Day outfits looked amazing too!
Class 6
Class 5
Decorating Gingerbread
To get ourselves into the Christmas Spirit, we decorated Gingerbread! We enjoyed using the icing pens and then we added smarties for buttons! A great way to end the term!
Class 6
Christmas Party
We had a great time at our Christmas Parties! We made some amazing hats for homework and got to wear them to our party. The designs were brilliant!
Class 6
Class 5
Our Trip to Yeovil Methodist Church
This week we were very excited to go on our first school trip of the Year! We were very fortunate to be invited to Yeovil Methodist Church where we met Rev Kate. Kate read us the Nativity story using characters made from soft wood from Bethlehem! We then completed lots of activities. We enjoyed going to a new Church and discussing how different the Church looks compared to our Holy Trinity Church that we usually go to.
We made our own Christingles and learned what each part represents. The candle represents Jesus as the light of the world. The orange represents the world. The red ribbon represents Jesus’s love and how it reaches around the whole world. The cocktail sticks represent the four seasons and the sweet represent the good things in life.
Daniel England helped us to make a candle from tissue paper. We had to carefully glue it together and attach tissue paper inside the card. We then turned the light on and they looked amazing!
Firework Celebrations
In Year 2 this week, we started our new History topic 'The Gunpowder Plot'. We learnt all about the story of the Gunpowder Plot and ordered the events. To celebrate Bonfire night, we made sparkers using breadsticks, melted chocolate and sprinkles then we enjoyed eating them with some hot chocolate!
Class 5
Sandwich making
In English, we have been learning about recipes. Today we made our own sandwiches discussing each step as we did it. First, we had to butter the bread using a knife. Secondly, we chose which filling we wanted in our sandwich. Then we put the other slice of bread on time. Finally, we all thoroughly enjoyed the final step of our recipe – eating the sandwich!
Class 5
Dentist Visit
This half term we have been learning about healthy living in our Science unit. As part of this, we have learned about looking after our teeth. Today we were fortunate enough to have a dentist visit our school to teach us about looking after our teeth! We really enjoyed learning how to brush our teeth and using the toothbrushes to practice scrubbing them clean!
Class 5
Class 6
2021-2022 Academic year
Great Fire of London Topic
During Spring 1 our topic was Fire, Fire! We really enjoyed this topic, finding out how the Great Fire of London started, why it spread so quickly, and how people tried to put it out. We learnt about Samuel Pepys and our favourite facts were that he wore a wig, and that he buried his cheese to protect it from the fire!
As part of our topic, we wrote some super diary entries and our own Great Fire of London stories. We also enjoyed lots of creative activities, including using water colours to create portraits of Samuel Pepys, baking rolls as if we were Thomas Farriner, and creating the most fabulous 1666 houses as a homework project. The culmination of all our hard work was the Gallery event we held in the Hall, in which we shared our learning with the rest of the school and our parents.
Here we are creating freeze frames of the scenes Samuel Pepys would have seen from his bedroom window - people putting out the fire and people escaping from the fire.
Spirituality Day
On 7th January it was Spirituality Day and we spent the day thinking about the words we are taught in the Bible – to let our light shine for others.
We thought about how we have our Rainbow Values within us and that when we live by them, they shine out as a beacon for others and guide others to do the right thing. We also thought about how we all have different talents and gifts and that we especially shine when we are doing these things. We made star wands and lanterns to remind us of our values and talents, and after reading the story, Giraffes Can’t Dance,’ we drew some super giraffe pictures to remind us that we all have a talent, even if we haven’t realised it yet.
Here are Class 3 enjoying Christmas Jumper Day, a special visitor to our classroom, and our Christmas Party!