World Book Day 2025
As well as dressing up as our favourite book characters, for this World Book Day, the school looked at our curriculum gear "Problem solving and critical thinking." The school looked at one of two books: 'Leaf' by Sandra Dieckann or 'Flotsam' by David Weisner which looked at problems that we face in our world today: pollution and climate change. We also held our annual book swap which was, once again, a huge success.
Book Fair.
Thank you to all of those who purchased books at this year's Book Fair - the sum totalled £1396.78! The school get a large fraction of this to help buy new books across the school! The School Librarians will now help select new stock ready for September!
Intrahouse Spelling Bee:
The children took part in an Intrahouse Spelling Bee competition, with the winner of each class 'facing off' against each other in front of their Key Stage.
We are all very proud of the children for working so hard to learn and practise their key words. Thanks also goes to the House Captains who helped run the finals.
The results are as follows:
House Results:
1st: Lymx: 611
2nd: Sea King: 577
3rd: Merlin: 500
4th: Gazelle: 420
World Book Day:
Whilst KS1 were visited by the fantastic author, Mike Brownlow, KS2 had a focus on specific book: Once Upon a Fairytale by Natalia and Lauren O'Hara. The book lends itself to critical thinking and problem solving as well as creativity for the reader, who has to make choices on how the 'hero' will save the day. This linked wonderfully to our link to the gears 'critical thinking' and 'problem solving'. Whilst some classes decided to use this as a stimulus to produce their own books, others took elements from the story to inform real-life problems such as plastic pollution.
Author Visit: Mike Brownlow.
We welcomed Mike Brownlow, who lives locally, to complete some workshops for our Year 1 and 2 children. Mike is famous for writing the 'Ten Little...' series as well has having over 100 other published books. The children loved the event and Mike himself was very complimentary of the school, which leaves us feeling very proud, as always.
International Book Giving Day:
Wow! Our book swap continues to grow, this year with a huge selection of swaps taking place!
Peer Editing: Year 3 mixed classes to polish, edit and share eachother's work before publishing them.
November 2023:
Last Summer, Year 2, now Year 3, entered a Young Writers' competition. We are delighted to annonce that the children's work was published into a book which they have all now received. They were presened with these in Key Stage worship. Well done! We hope this has inspired you all to be writers one day!
October 2023:
Year 6 and Year 1 Paired Reading:
Year 6 paired up with year 1 to share their children's stories. Year 6 have been working hard to write some embellished and re-imagined children's stories and took the opportunity to share these with the year 1 children, who have also been looking at traditional children's stories. All of the children thoroughly enjoyed this and we are looking forward to sharing more work with them as the year progresses.
June 2023:
Book Fair:
All children visited the book fair to view what was on offer. It was amazing to see how much enthusiasm the children had for the fair before racing home to 'bug' parents to buy books and support the school. Thank you for all those that contributed and helped raise an amazing £641.95 for the school. All of this money will be put back into new reading resources for the children, adding new titles and re-stocking areas of the school, including the library. Towards the end of the term, the year 6 Literacy Group as well as the Librarians will help select new books for the school.
March 2023:
World Book Day:
We celebrated World Book Day with the theme 'Moving Pictures' based around books with moving parts. As well as our usual character dress-up, the children created moving pictures with levers in their classes, and Year 6 were delighted to welcome Darell Wakelam to run a workshop and help create some amazing artwork based around the book Clockwork.
We also held a competition for children 'Reading in a peculiar place'. The winners: Lower School: Harrison; Middle School: Alan; Upper School: Jack. They all recevied a signed Michael Morpurgo book!
Harrison - dangling from a cliff! | Alan - on top of his playgouse | Jack - reading with his guinea pigs |
International Book Giving Day:
We celebrated International Book Giving Day by hosting a book swap. The children were asked to donate any books that they no longer wanted in exchange for another book that had been donated.
Author Visit: Matt Dickinson
We were incredibly lucky to be visited by author and film-maker, Matt Dickinson. He led some writing workshops with our Key Stage 2 children and engrossed us with tales of his adventures conquering Mount Everest. We were lucky enough to also get so signed copies of his books for our library!
National Storytelling Week
This week, each year group learned one of Pie Corbett's 'six stories to be told aloud' and performed these as a class. The 'writing group' visited classrooms to listen to each being performed.
Class 5 even tasted some papaya as they learned 'The Papaya Who Spoke."
Januray 2023: Author Focus Week: 'Roald Dahl
We welcomed the children back with an Author Focus Week, where the children looked at character written by Roald Dahl. Each year group looked at developing a descriptive device and and developed their own descriptive piece based on a character.
September 2022: Author Focus Week: ' Oliver Jeffers'
We welcomed the children back with an Author Focus Week where the children looked at a book written by Oliver Jeffers. Each year group studied a different one each.
July 2022: Year 6 Production. The year 6 children finished their journey with us here at Holy Trinity with a fantastic performance of Pirates of the Curry Bean. The children have worked hard on their presentation and delivery of lines with clarity and intonation. With the lighting, music and dance, it create a wonderful show. We were lucky to welcome the Mayoress of Yeovil to our show on Thursday and the children really rose the occasion.
July 2022: We welcomed Jeremy from Somerset Libraries to introduce us to the Summer Reading Challenge that will take place over the Summer holidays. The theme this year: Gageteers. The children are aiming to read at least six books in order to win an eco-friendly badge as well as gain the pleasure of reading wonderful books! For more information on how to enter your child, please see Mr Barker or head down to Yeovil Library on South Street.
June 2022: Congratulations to class 14 who have WON the local Wessex Water poster competition for creating posters to raise awareness about saving water. For their efforts, the school will receive £300 in craft vouchers. Well done to all. (Photo to follow)
June 2022: Book Fair. Thank you to those who attended, helped with and boughts from. With a total spend of £850, we have raised a fantastic amount to help buy some new books for our school.
April 2022: Author Visit - Year 3
Tamsin Cooke came in to visit Class 8 with Yeovil Town Football Club. She started the session with some drama using freeze frames asking the children in groups to show various scenes, such as, a horse race, sleeping tigers, under the sea and more. She then moved on to ask the children to individually act out an animal and we had to guess who was what! Tamsin then asked the children to write down 4 adjectives to describe themselves and keep hold of them. This all tied into the final piece where the children had write a diamante poem starting with their name at the top, 2 of the adjectives, 3 verbs of things they like to do, 4 nouns of thing they love, 3 more verbs, 2 more adjectives and then their spirit anima at the bottom. This was written in the shape of a diamond. It was great to for the children to see a clear path from them to their spirit animal!
March 2022: World Poetry Day
To help celebrate World Poetry Day, we were delighted to be visited by the wonderful poet, Ian Bland. After a wonderful Whole-School Assembly involving many members of staff to help ilustrate a poem, he led workshops throughout Key Stage 2 in writing and performing poems based on some of his own pieces of work.
March 2022: World Book Day
February 2022: International Book Giving Day
To celebrate International Book Giving Day, the children were invited to partake in a 'book swap' with eachother. Thank you for everyone that was involved; the children were delighted with their new books!
January 2022: National Storytelling Week
Throughout the week, the children partook in different events within their classes; from 'Guess that story' to making Super Potatoes, the children had lots of fun and took full advantages of being able to share and perfrom their work.