Year 2

Mrs Salvetti
Class 5 Teacher
Mrs Blake
Class 5 Teacher
Mrs Cunningham
Class 6 Teacher

Welcome to the Year 2 page!

Class 5 - Mrs Blake teaches in Class 5 on Mondays and Tuesdays and Mrs Salvetti teaches in Class 5 from Wednesday to Friday.

Class 6 - Mrs Cunningham teaches in Class 6.

Mrs Cartwright and Mrs Aldred are the Teaching Assistants in Year 2.

Our Curriculum for Spring Term 2024


In maths, the children will follow the concrete, pictorial and abstract approach. This term the children will learn:

Addition and Subtraction:

  • 10 more and 10 less
  • Adding and subtracting two 2 digit numbers
  • Number bonds to 100
  • Using the inverse
  • Solving problems using addition and subtraction


  • Count money in pence and in pounds
  • Select money of a given amount and make different combinations of the same amount
  • Compare money using < > and =
  • Add and find the difference using money
  • Solve two-step problems involving money

Multiplication and Division:

  • Use arrays to work out multiplication questions
  • Use grouping and sharing to solve division questions
  • Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables
  • Count up in the 3 times table
  • Understand the commutative properties of multiplication and division
  • Solve problems involving multiplication and division


Our first writing unit this term will be based on the picture book 'Journey' by Aaron Becker.  We will use this as a stimulus for narrative writing and will focus on a character's feelings, predicting what might happen next and writing alternative endings.  We will revisit noun phrases and use these to describe a setting, as well as using the conjunction 'but' and time adverbials within our writing.

Grammar is taught weekly. In these lessons, we will be directly focusing on Year 2 writing skills such as; commas, contractions, apostrophes, past and present tense, progressive tense and noun phrases.

In Year 2, Guided Reading is taught as a whole class approach. Our first unit will also be based on the book ‘Journey’.

Topic – Geography and Science 


Our first topic is World Explorers.  We will be naming and locating the countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom; continents and oceans; using aerial photographs to define human and physical features and using compass directions.


Later in the term we will study the topic of materials, where we will describe the different properties of materials and compare their suitability for different uses.  We will then move on to look at plants and find out what plants need to grow and stay healthy.

Religious Education

Our first unit is all about God, where we will be finding out what Christians believe God is like, exploring the parable of 'The Prodigal Son' and learning how forgiveness is at the heart of the Christian faith.  In the second half-term our unit will be Salvation in which we will find out why Easter us important to Christians.


We will be continuing with our new computing scheme called 'Purple Mash' and will have two 'blocked' weeks of computing, one each half-term, meaning there will be several lessons over the course of a week rather than a weekly computing session.  E-safety is an important aspect of the children's learning and will be incorporated into these computing blocks.


Mrs Cartwright teaches music each week as part of the teachers' PPA time.  

PSHE and Relationships

During these lessons, we will discuss and look at:

Spring 1: Similarities and Differences. This unit will be focusing on our strengths and the things we find challenging; the different stages of growing up, responsibilities and independence; the differences and similarities between people, groups and communities.

Spring 2: Staying Healthy. This unit will be focusing on the different aspects of a healthy lifestyle, the importance of good personal hygiene and who we can turn to if we are worried or afraid of something.


During Spring 1, our first PE session of the week will be using the Real PE syllabus to teach ball skills and balance.  Our second PE session will be a dance session indoors.


Homework and spellings will be set every Friday. Homework will be due in on the following Wednesday. Spelling tests will take place on Wednesdays and will consist of ten words that have followed a sound or spelling pattern taught in the previous week.

Useful websites

Times tables Rockstars - this is a resource that can be used at home. All children have been given a username and password to use this resource which is stuck on the last page of their homework book.

Every week, additional homework is set on this website for Year 2. The activities are based on concepts that we have learned in class. Please note that this homework is optional and not compulsory. 

Provides a useful reading list for children that are currently in year 2.

An interactive website that helps children with their phonics. We are currently working on Phase 6 however there is sections on other phases that may be useful. 

A great website that provides a range of activities covering literacy, numeracy and science.

A site all about coding, it included a number of coding platforms for logo, visual coding and many more.

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