Year 2

Mrs Salvetti
Class 5 Teacher
Mrs Blake
Class 5 and 6 Teacher
Mrs Locke
Class 6 Teacher

Welcome to the Year 2 page!

Class 5 - Mrs Blake teaches in Class 5 on Mondays and Tuesdays and Mrs Salvetti from Wednesday to Friday.

Class 6 - Mrs Locke teaches in Class 6 every day except Wednesday, when Mrs Blake is the teacher.

Mrs Cartwright and Miss McAllister are the Teaching Assistants in Year 2.

Our Curriculum for Spring Term 2025


In maths, the children will continue to follow the concrete, pictorial and abstract approach. This term the children will learn:

Addition and Subtraction:

  • Adding and subtracting two 2-digit numbers
  • Number bonds to 100
  • Using the inverse
  • Solving problems using addition and subtraction


  • Count money in pence and in pounds
  • Select money of a given amount and make different combinations of the same amount
  • Compare money using < > and =
  • Add and find the difference using money
  • Solve two-step problems involving money

 Multiplication and Division:

  • Use arrays to work out multiplication questions
  • Use grouping and sharing to solve division questions
  • Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables
  • Count up in the 3 times table
  • Understand the commutative properties of multiplication and division
  • Solve problems involving multiplication and division



We start the term using the text ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ as a basis for our English work.  We will then read and use ‘Vlad and the Florence Nightingale Adventure’ to support our Famous Nurses topic.  We will also focus on non-fiction accounts of Florence Nightingale and use these to help us write letters to and from Florence and her family.  After half-term we will read ‘Jim and the Beanstalk’ and write non-chronological reports about plants.  

This term we will heavily focus on the basics, ensuring that the children can structure sentences correctly with the right simple punctuation. There will be a strong emphasis on making the right choice of phonics to spell unknown words, spelling known tricky words correctly and applying the spelling rules we are learning.  Handwriting lessons take place 3-4 times a week.

Guided Reading continues to take place twice a week where possible and will be a mix of small group guided reading and whole class reading and activities. Texts will be closely matched to the children’s reading level.

Phonics and Spellings

Having completed our review of phase 5 phonics during the autumn term using our new phonics scheme ‘Little Wandle’, we will now turn our attention to spelling rules.  As part of our learning, the children will be tested at school using the words they have learnt during the week.  This will be incorporated into a dictation activity rather than a formal spelling test and we will NOT therefore be sending words home to learn. We will be regularly practising and using the year 1 and 2 common exception words throughout the year with the expectation that the children can correctly spell as many of these as possible by the end of the year.


Topic – History, DT, Science and Art


Our history unit during Spring 1 is called Famous Nurses where we learn about Florence Nightingale and her legacy.  We will compare hospitals between the 19th and 21st centuries and find out about the lives of another significant nurse, Edith Cavell.


The children will learn some basic sewing skills and use these to plan, design, make and evaluate a hanging felt decoration.


After half-term we start our Ready, Steady Grow, topic where we will look at the differences between living, dead and things that have never been alive.  We will learn about the habitats of different animals and food chains and explore how animals and plants sometimes depend on each other.


Our art topic links to our work on plants and we will explore different drawing techniques, observational drawing and will create our own botanic artwork based on the work and style of the botanical artist Margaret Flockton.

Religious Education

Our first unit is all about God, where we will be finding out what Christians believe God is like, exploring the parable of 'The Prodigal Son' and learning how forgiveness is at the heart of the Christian faith.  In the second half-term our unit will be Salvation in which we will find out why Easter us important to Christians.


Our computing unit will be ‘Presenting Ideas’ where the children will learn how the same information can be presented in different ways for different purposes, eg, as a fact file, a quiz or as a presentation, all while using our computing scheme Purple Mash.  E-safety is an important aspect of the children's learning and will be taught each half-term.


Mrs Cartwright teaches music each week as part of the teachers' PPA time.  

PSHE Relationships and Education

During these lessons, we will discuss and look at:

Spring 1: Similarities and Differences. This unit will be focusing on our strengths and the things we find challenging; the different stages of growing up, responsibilities and independence; the differences and similarities between people, groups and communities.

Spring 2: Staying Healthy. This unit will be focusing on the different aspects of a healthy lifestyle, the importance of good personal hygiene and who we can turn to if we are worried or afraid of something.


During Spring 1, our first PE session of the week will be using the Real PE syllabus to teach ball skills and balance.  Our second PE session will be a dance session indoors.  After half-term our indoor session will be gymnastics and our outdoor session will continue the theme of balance and stance whilst playing some cooperative games.


Homework continues to be set every Friday and is due in on the following Wednesday. Homework links to and supports the work we do in class.  Please do write a comment in your child’s homework book to let us know if they are finding it tricky or struggling with a particular task or concept.


Useful Websites:

Times tables Rockstars - this is a resource that can be used at home. All children have been given a username and password to use this resource which is stuck on the last page of their homework book.

Every week, additional homework is set on this website for Year 2. The activities are based on concepts that we have learned in class. Please note that this homework is optional and not compulsory. 

Provides a useful reading list for children that are currently in year 2.

An interactive website that helps children to practise and consolidate their phonics. The phase 5 games would be useful to keep the phonemes and graphemes learnt at the end of year 1 ticking over, with phases 3 and 4 useful for children who still need more practice at earlier phonics.

An interactive website that helps children with their spelling.

A great website that provides a range of activities covering literacy, numeracy and science.

A site all about coding, it included a number of coding platforms for logo, visual coding and many more.


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