Year 2

Mrs Salvetti
Class 5 Teacher
Mrs Blake
Class 5 Teacher
Mrs Cunningham
Class 6 Teacher

Welcome to the Year 2 page!

Class 5 - Mrs Blake teaches in Class 5 on Mondays and Tuesdays and Mrs Salvetti teaches in Class 5 from Wednesday to Friday.

Class 6 - Mrs Cunningham teaches in Class 6.

Mrs Cartwright and Mrs Aldred are the Teaching Assistants in Year 2.

Our Curriculum for Summer Term 2024


In maths, the children will follow the concrete, pictorial and abstract approach. This term the children will learn:

Multiplication and Division (finishing unit)

  • Understand the commutative properties of multiplication and division
  • Solve problems involving multiplication and division


  • recognise equal parts of a shape or quantity
  • find fractions of a shape
  • find fractions of a number
  • identify and count in fractions on a number line
  • recognise equivalent fractions

 Shape (finishing unit)

  • compare and sort common 2D and 3D shapes and everyday objects

 Measurement (time):

  • tell the time using o’clock and half past
  • tell the time using quarter past and quarter to
  • tell the time to every 5 minutes
  • know how much time is in one hour, a day and sequence lengths of time
  • compare intervals of time.

Measurement (length):

  • measure lengths in centimetres
  • measure lengths in metres
  • compare lengths
  • order lengths
  • solve problems that involves both centimetres and metres

Measurement (mass, capacity and temperature):

  • measure mass in grams (g) and kilograms (kg)
  • compare weights measured in grams and kilograms
  • measure volume in millilitres (ml) and litres (l)
  • choose suitable equipment to measure in millilitres and litres
  • measure the temperature using a thermometer


  • record and interpret data using tally charts
  • record and interpret data using pictograms (1-1)
  • record and interpret data using pictograms where the picture equates to more than
  • record and interpret data using bar charts
  • record and interpret data using table charts

 Position and Direction:

  • order and arrange combinations of various patterns and sequences
  • describe turns using the vocabulary ‘full turn’, ‘half turn’, ‘quarter turn’ and ‘three-quarter turns’ (clockwise and anti-clockwise)
  • describe movement of objects by giving instructions and using the correct vocabulary



We start the term learning how to write recount texts and will use our visit to see the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra as a stimulus for our writing. 

We will then move onto narrative writing using the text ‘Once Upon a Fairytale’ as inspiration for our own stories. We will revisit adjectives for description and using conjunctions to extend our sentences, ensuring our sentences are punctuated correctly.   

We then link our writing to our history topic by focusing on letter writing and will write a letter to and from Florence Nightingale, being sure to use question marks and exclamation marks correctly in our work.

After half-term we return to a narrative unit using ‘Handa’s Surprise’ as our focus text and finish the year with a non-fiction unit about African animals.

Our guided reading will link each week to the current writing unit or topic focus, including reading about Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edit Cavell, as well as delving in-depth into the ‘Once Upon a Fairytale’ book.


We start this term with a unit all about Margaret Flockton. This links to our work on plants and we will explore different drawing techniques, observational drawing and will create our own botanic artwork based on her style of art.


Our history unit this term is called ‘nurturing nurses’ where we learn about Florence Nightingale and her legacy.  We will compare hospitals between the 19th and 21st centuries and find out about the lives of two other significant nurses; Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell.


In this term’s topic of ‘Living Things’ we will look at the differences between living, dead and things that have never been alive.  We will learn about the habitats of different animals and food chains and explore how animals and plants sometimes depend on each other.


In this unit, we look at human geography and compare our lives to the life of a child from Kenya. We will explore the Maasai culture in detail and also research about animals that live in Africa.

Religious Education

In our first unit this term we will revisit Islam and learn all about Hajj, including why it is so important for Muslims.  After half-term, we return to a unit on Christianity where our focus is ‘Gospel’.  We will be investigating the good news that Jesus brings.


We have two final ‘blocked’ weeks of computing – one each half-term. The first will be learning about spreadsheets using the Purple Mash scheme and the second will be learning how to search effectively.  Our computing weeks also include e-safety lessons.


Mrs Cartwright teaches music each week as part of the teachers' PPA time. 

PSHE and Relationships

During these lessons, we will discuss and look at how we can show our feelings and how we can keep ourselves safe.  Each half-term we have lessons on the British values and diversity as well as our regular identity club activities.


In our indoor sessions, we will be using the Real PE syllabus to teach ball skills and health and fitness.

In our outdoor sessions, we will be practising our athletics in the run-up to sports day.


Homework continues to be set every Friday and is due in the following Wednesday. This term we are trialling a different way of learning spellings and therefore will not be sending spellings home to learn.

End of Year Trip!

We are looking forward to our end-of-year trip to Axe Valley Wildlife Park on Thursday 11th July.  This supports our geography and science topics.

Useful websites

Times tables Rockstars - this is a resource that can be used at home. All children have been given a username and password to use this resource which is stuck on the last page of their homework book.

Every week, additional homework is set on this website for Year 2. The activities are based on concepts that we have learned in class. Please note that this homework is optional and not compulsory. 

Provides a useful reading list for children that are currently in year 2.

An interactive website that helps children with their phonics. We are currently working on Phase 6 however there is sections on other phases that may be useful.

A site all about coding, it included a number of coding platforms for logo, visual coding and many more.

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