Year 2

Mrs Salvetti
Class 5 Teacher
Mrs Blake
Class 5 and 6 Teacher
Mrs Locke
Class 6 Teacher

Welcome to the Year 2 page!

Class 5 - Mrs Blake teaches in Class 5 on Mondays and Tuesdays and Mrs Salvetti from Wednesday to Friday.

Class 6 - Mrs Locke teaches in Class 6 every day except Wednesday, when Mrs Blake is the teacher.

Mrs Cartwright and Miss McAllister are the Teaching Assistants in Year 2.

Our Curriculum for Autumn Term 2024


In maths, the children will follow the concrete, pictorial and abstract approach. This term the children will learn:

Place Value:

  • Read and write numbers to 100
  • Partitioning 2 digit numbers
  • Compare and order numbers using < > =
  • Count in 2s, 3s, 5s, 10s

Addition and Subtraction:

  • Number bond to 20
  • Number bonds to 100
  • Add and Subtract ones
  • 10 more and 10 less


During the first half-term our writing links to the healthy eating part of our science topic.  We will use the story ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’ as a basis for our own narrative writing and will focus on sequencing events, using adjectives to create expanded noun phrases and inventing our own story based on the original.  Later we will study recipes as a form of instructional writing and learn about commands, commas in a list, imperative verbs and will write our own recipe.  Throughout the term we will recap and improve on the basics from year 1, especially using simple sentence punctuation correctly.

After half-term our attention turns to poetry for our short ‘Remember Remember’ topic and then onto twisted tales where we will use some traditional fairy tales and rewrite them by ‘twisting’ the plot, characters or setting.  We will focus on using expanded noun phrases to describe characters and setting as well as extending our use of conjunctions and punctuation.

In Year 2, Guided Reading will take place twice a week and will be a mix of small group guided reading and whole class reading and activities. Texts will be closely matched to the children’s reading level and where possible will link to our writing unit or topic for the term.

Phonics and Spellings

The children will continue using our new phonics scheme of ‘Little Wandle’.  During the autumn term we will revisit all the phase 5 sounds that have been learnt during year 1.  After Christmas we will move onto spelling.  As part of our learning, the children will be tested at school using the words they have learnt during the week.  This will be incorporated into a dictation activity rather than a formal spelling test and we will NOT therefore be sending words home to learn. We will be regularly practising and using the year 1 and 2 common exception words throughout the year with the expectation that the children can correctly spell as many of these as possible by the end of the year.




Our first topic is ‘From Field to Fork’ and includes the science topic of ‘Animals including Humans’ which focuses on animals and their offspring, the basic needs of animals and humans for survival and the importance of a healthy diet and exercise.  We hope to have a visit from a local dentist to talk to the children about dental health.


In the second half of the autumn term, we will learn about the Gunpowder Plot in our ‘Remember Remember’ topic. We will be exploring why Guy Fawkes is a significant person in British History and the events that took place.

Science and DT

There will be another science unit towards the end of the term where we will investigate the properties of different materials and compare their suitability for different uses.  We will use this knowledge to help us build the best structure we can.

Religious Education

Our first unit is ‘Islam: Prayer’, in which we will explore the Islam faith, the key aspects to the religion and why prayer is so important.  Our second unit of this term is ‘Christianity – Incarnation’ and we will be exploring why Christmas is so important to Christians.


We are continuing to use Purple Mash for computing and lessons will once again be blocked over the course of one week each half-term.  We will start by looking at a coding unit and after half-term we will be using an art programme to create pictures.  E-safety is an important aspect of the children's learning and will be revisited each half-term.


Mrs Cartwright teaches music each week as part of the teachers' PPA time.  During autumn 1 the children will focus on rock music and during Autumn 2 they will be learning the songs ready for our nativity.

PSHE and Relationships

During these lessons, we will discuss and look at:

Autumn 1: How can we help? This unit will be focusing on school and class rules, respecting others and understanding what is meant by ‘privacy’.

Autumn 2: What is bullying? This unit we will be focusing on different types of bullying and teasing. We will also be exploring what to do if we experience bullying or teasing and who to talk to if we’re feeling worried.


In our indoor sessions, we will be using the Real PE syllabus to teach footwork and balance.

In our outdoor sessions, we will be practising our throwing and catching skills.


Homework will be set every Friday and is due in the following Wednesday. We try to set a mix of maths, writing and topic based homework over the term.  There is a more detailed explanation at the front of your child’s homework book.  In addition to the set homework, there is always the option for your child to complete an additional My Maths activity or to practise their times tables using Times Tables Rock Stars if they wish. Log-ins for these websites are also stuck into homework books.  Children need to continue reading regularly at home. Reading for a few minutes several times a week is much more effective than reading once a week for a longer time, or not reading at all!

Useful websites

Times tables Rockstars - this is a resource that can be used at home. All children have been given a username and password to use this resource which is stuck on the last page of their homework book.

Every week, additional homework is set on this website for Year 2. The activities are based on concepts that we have learned in class. Please note that this homework is optional and not compulsory. 

Provides a useful reading list for children that are currently in year 2.

An interactive website that helps children with their phonics. We are currently working on Phase 6 however there is sections on other phases that may be useful.

A site all about coding, it included a number of coding platforms for logo, visual coding and many more.

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