On this page, you will be able to discover what your child has been and will be learning in class.
Mr Flitton teaches in class 7 and Miss Davis and Mrs Duckworth teach in class 8.
To contact Mr Flitton - [email protected]
To contact Miss Davis or Mrs Duckworth - [email protected]
Autumn Term 2024
In writing this term, the topics are narratives, information texts and writing an innovated story based on a Christmas advert! The children will explore the key features of these before writing their own and then publishing their final piece of writing. They will include Year 3 writing skills such as: compound and complex sentences, character and setting description, paragraphs and adverbial phrases.
Grammar is taught weekly focusing on sentence structure, identifying and using conjunctions, adverbs, prepositions, inverted commas, present perfect tense in their writing.
Guided Reading is taught weekly and this term the children will complete their work based on the texts: Stone Age boy, The Secrets of Stonehenge and The Voices in the Park by Anthony Browne.
In Maths, the children will follow the concrete, pictorial and abstract approach. This term the children will learn:
Each lesson, there will be opportunities to apply the skills learned to answer reasoning questions.
Arithmetic is taught every other week. Arithmetic focusses on the four operations: column addition, column subtraction, column multiplication and bus stop method for division.
The topic for this term is ‘The Stone Age’. We will be learning about how people lived during the Stone Age. In particular, we will be focusing on the theme of ‘food’ for this unit. We will learn about how the Stone Age people were known as ‘hunters and gatherers’ and we will learn about the weapons they used to hunt and to prepare their food. We will then compare similarities and differences between the Stone Age and the Iron Age and how farming developed.
In this topic, we will be focussing on how light travels, how shadows are formed, what UV light and how light reflects.
Alberto Giacometti
In this unit, we will be learning about Albert Giacometti and we will study some of his work. We will then design and create our own sculptures out of tinfoil in the style of Albert Giacometti.
The children will look be learning how to play the recorder, learning different notes and applying these to songs with rhythm.
The children will complete 3 units this term:
Religious Education:
In the first half term, children will focus on ‘The Creation Story’. We will recap how God made the world in 7 days. We will also focus on Adam and Eve and how they were tempted to do something they shouldn’t have. We will think about how this story is still relevant today in the 21st century.
The second half term will look at Hinduism and in particular, Diwali. We will learn about the story of Rama and Sita and why Hindus celebrate Diwali. We will create our own rangoli patterns and paper lanterns.
PSHE and Relationships
This term, we will complete two units:
All Homework will be given out on a Friday and due back in on a Wednesday. Each homework task should take no more than 30 minutes to complete. If the task takes longer, please stop the homework and leave a note at the bottom of the sheet to let us know. We will ensure that the homework task is something that your child would have learned about at school so they should be able to complete this independently and confidently.
Weekly spellings will also be given out on a Friday and their spelling test will take place on Thursday. You will receive an overview each half term with the next set of spellings on.
Each week, a MyMaths homework will also be set.
Each children have their own log in for TT Rockstars for you to complete in your own time.
Useful Links
Provides a useful reading list for children that are currently in year 3.