Zones of Regulation

Zones of Regulation

  • Zones of Regulation: A curriculum designed to teach children self-regulation skills by categorizing emotions and states of alertness into four coloured zones.
    • Blue Zone: Low states of alertness (e.g., sad, tired, sick).
    • Green Zone: Optimal learning state (e.g., calm, happy, focused).
    • Yellow Zone: Elevated states of alertness (e.g., excited, anxious, nervous).
    • Red Zone: Extremely heightened states of alertness (e.g., anger, terror, elation).

Classroom Integration

  • Teachers will incorporate Zones of Regulation lessons into the curriculum.
  • Visual aids (e.g., posters, charts) depicting the zones will be displayed in classrooms.
  • Teachers will use the language of the zones in daily interactions to help children identify their current zone and appropriate strategies for regulation.
  • Children will work to understand their triggers and what strategies they need to use to regulate their emotions.

School-wide Practices

  • Common areas will have visual aids to reinforce the zones.
  • Regular school-wide worships and activities will highlight the importance of self-regulation and emotional intelligence.

Children Support

  • Individualized support plans called toolboxes will be developed for children who require additional assistance with self-regulation.
  • The class teacher will be available to work with children on developing self-regulation strategies.
  • Parents will be informed about the Zones of Regulation and provided with resources to support their children at home.
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