
Our School has a strongly Christian ethos, as can be seen from its values.   These are reflected in our worship, not only in the actual content but also in our attitude and approach, in our behaviour and in the status of worship in our School. Our aims and expectations for worship are applicable to all members of our school community, children and adults alike.   Although time is given, in worship, for personal reflection and prayer, it is the sense that worship is something that we do together that is particularly important.

It is a special time, a time of reverence, a time to be together and to be with God - and a time that takes priority over everything else happening in school or the classroom at that moment.  It is not hurried, and staff ensure that children have time to quieten themselves and prepare for worship, whether it is going to be in the class or in the hall or in Church. There is also a respectful time given at the end of worship before other activities commence. The aim is that everyone takes something out from the worship, so that it can be seen how worship affects and influences and enriches our lives.


The weekly pattern of worships is as follows:-

Monday:  Whole School Worshipled by Head Teacher and Assistant Head Teacher focusing on the Rainbow values, diversity and important school concepts.


Tuesday:  Work of the Week (no hymn) led by Head Teacher or Assistant Head Teachers


Wednesday:  Afternoon Praise - led by Head Teacher and Assistant Head Teacher


Thursday:  Key Stage Worship - (no hymn) led by each class teacher in turn with help from their class. The focus of this is a Bible story.


Friday:  Church Worshipled by Holy Trinity Vicar or Curate – either whole school or individual key stage


Friday:  In Class Worshipled by class teacher

Agape Services

Led by classes or year group teams – once per term at the start of our Spirituality Days

An Agape service is planned once a term.  All members of the school community join us for this act of worship which is led by a year group team.  The Agape service marks the beginning of our termly Spirituality Days and introduces the theme of the day (such as Advent, Lent, Time, Remembrance…)  The children sit in different ways for this service to emphasise that this is a special time in the School’s year.  Some food is shared with all of the children and the adults in attendance, and we eat silently whilst listening to music and reflecting on the theme of the Agape service.

Special Church Services

Led by Head Teacher, children and staff from the parish clergy

At least once a term, we have a special service in Church to which governors, parents and friends are invited.   The format will vary according to the theme of the service; e.g. Christmas, Harvest, Easter and the Leavers’ Service.

These services are planned and led by year group staff and children. Clergy introduce the service and conclude with a blessing.


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