Year 4

Mrs Locke
Class 9 Teacher
Mrs Stent
Class 9 Teacher
Miss Entwistle
Class 10 Teacher
Leader of Learning 

Welcome to Year 4!

Class 9 - Mrs Stent teaches in Class 9 from Monday - Wednesday and Mrs Locke teaches on Thursdays and Fridays. 

Class 10 - Miss Entwistle teaches in Class 10.

Mr Steyn and Mrs Millichip are the Teaching Assistants in Year 4.



We are starting off this term with a narrative unit based on a short animated film ‘La Luna’. We will be describing a character using noun phrases expanded by the addition of modifying adjectives, nouns and prepositional phrases. We will be introduced to personification and use this to describe a setting. We will be using complex sentences and will start using relative clauses. We will then write the story adding speech (the animated film has no speech).

After our narrative unit, we will be looking at persuasive arguments. We will be learning about imperative and modal verbs, rhetorical questions and using repetition to enhance our writing. We will be writing a persuasive argument based on Greta and the Giants in the role of Greta persuading the giants not to build on her forest.

Grammar - We will continue to consolidate our Year 3 knowledge as well as introduce new Year 4 grammar in both our Writing lessons and stand alone Grammar lessons.

Guided Reading is taught weekly and the children will focus on a range of non-fiction, fiction, play scripts and poetry texts. 


In maths, the children will follow the concrete, pictorial and abstract approach. This term the children will learn:

  • Money
  • Time
  • Statistics
  • Shape
  • Position and Direction

Arithmetic is taught alternately each week and focuses on the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as well as fractions.

The children will also complete a daily Math Skills sheet which focuses on the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as well as fractions.

Topic - History, Geogrpahy Science

We will be completing our History unit on Ancient Egypt. For this unit we are focusing on the importance of the afterlife in Ancient Egyptian Religion. We will learn what life was like during this period and why the process of the afterlife was so important.

In Science this term, we will begin by exploring Digestion and Teeth, where we will find out about the parts and functions of the digestive system, the names of different types of teeth and their functions and explore food chains. Finally, we will look at Electricity, where we will construct simple circuits using a range of different components including buzzers, batteries and bulbs. We will then explore different switches within a circuit and investigate which materials are conductors or insulators.

In Geography, we will complete ‘Our Wonderful World’ unit where will be learning about locating the equator, hemispheres, latitudes, and longitudes. We will also locate oceans, continents and the tropics of cancer and Capricorn.


During Summer 1, we will be looking at Christianity and the Kingdom of God. We will be considering the question -When Jesus left, what was the impact of Pentecost?

In Summer 2, we will be focusing on Judaism and Passover. We will be considering the key question– How important is it for Jewish people to do what God asks them to do?


This term we are focusing on the unit ‘How we keep safe in our local area.’ The children will learn about different risks, dangers and hazards in our local area including water, rail and fire. We will learn about different types of pressure: peer and media.


PE is taught twice a week. This term in our indoor PE, we will be working from our REAL PE programme. Summer 1 will be our physical unit which focuses on reaction and responses. In Summer 2, it will be our Fitness unit which focuses on ball chasing and balance transfers.
In our outdoor PE, we will be looking at Football in Summer 1 and Athletics in Summer 2 in preparation for Sports Day.


This term we are very lucky to have Somerset Music in to teach Brass lessons to the class. They have the opportunity to have lessons on either a trombone, trumpet or tuba. We will be learning how to play different notes and develop into playing small pieces.


Children will continue to learn the the names of different foods in French. This is in readiness to read, understand and translate the well-known story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Then, lessons will focus on reviewing and recapping what pupils have learnt over the course of this year, with additional challenge sheets available, if required.


Homework will be set and homework books will be sent home every FRIDAY and are due back in on the following WEDNESDAY please.

The children will be expected to complete the following:

1) Learn their set spellings each week, ready for the test on Thursday.

2) My Maths or Times Table Rockstars internet task (these will alternate).

3) One other piece of homework which will link to the week's learning (this could be Maths, English or Topic based). 

Children should also read several times each week and regularly practise their times tables.

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