Design and Technology

Our Design and Technology Vision

Design and technology is an inspiring and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, as well as creating something that brings an idea or vision to life. The subject allows children to incorporate other subjects such as maths and science into real contexts.

Key Documents

DT Knowledge Skills and Vocabulary Progression Grid

DT Policy


Throughout the Design and Technology learning, pupils will:

  • Research the objective through looking at different materials, designs and methods in order to create their product.
  • Design their product to explore different outcomes such as how it may look/work/taste.
  • Create their product using tools, materials and equipment.
  • Evaluate analyse their product against their design using appropriate language, tests and assessment.

DT requires a specific teaching approach. We use a variety of teaching and learning styles in Design and Technology lessons. Teachers ensure that the children apply their knowledge and understanding when developing ideas, planning and making products, and then evaluating them. We do this through a mixture of whole class teaching and individual/group activities. All ideas are treated with respect. Children critically evaluate their own work and that of others. They have the opportunity to use a wide range of materials and resources, including ICT.

Children are given the opportunity to work within three main areas of development during each topic:

1. Investigative, disassembly and evaluative activities

These activities provide opportunities for the children to explore existing products and to gain skills, knowledge and understanding which can be applied in a design and make assignment.

2. Focused practical tasks

Focused practical tasks provide opportunities to learn and practice particular skills and knowledge.   

3. Design and make assignments

A design and make assignment provides an opportunity for the children to combine their skills, knowledge and understanding to develop products that meet a real need. (In general DMAs in Key Stage One will tend to be shorter in duration and, as children move towards the end of Key Stage Two, their designing and making will become more complex and therefore more time consuming.)

In all classes there are children of differing ability. We recognise the fact and provide suitable learning opportunities for all children by matching the challenge of the task to the ability of the child.


Design and Technology has many links with other subjects. Through units of work contributions are made to ICT, Literacy, Maths, Science Art and Design, Community Time, History, Geography and Music.

DT across the school

Year 6 Planes

Following on from their World War II topic, Year 6 created their own World War II planes. First, they made a prototype out of paper and tested how far they could fly. This data was recorded using a bar chart. They then looked at the different components of a plane, such as, creating replicas of wings. They then made the real thing using saws and wood. 

Year 3 Mosaics

To tie in with their Romans topic, Year 3 created Roman mosaics. First, they researched what a mosaic is, different designs and their purpose. They were amazed to find out each one would tell a story! They then used this to design their own, focussing on patterns and creating a picture. They then used glass mosaic tiles, grout, spatuals and wooden tiles to create their own!  

Year 4 Saxon Bread

During food focussed DT, children understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook, linking this to Science and PSHE as well as history. 

In order to help bring their Anglo Saxon topic to life, Year 4 applied the principles and skills of cooking to follow an Anglo-Saxon bread recipe and make their own. They had the choice to make either Royal bread or Peasant bread. They then got to taste and evaluate their bread too.

Year 2 Wraps

Linking in with their Healthy Eating topic, Year 2 applied this knowledge to create a healthy wrap. They got to choose their own ingredients and see how easy it is to have a healthy diet therefore educating them in making healthy food choices.

Year 5 Victorian Sweets

Year 5 made their own Victorian Sweets to link with their Victorians topic. First they researched tradiotional Victorian sweets and were shocked to see that many of the sweets we eat today originated from the Victorian era. They then researched peppermint creams more closely and designed their own, thinking about how they want it to look. They then followed a recipe and incorporated some maths by using imperial measures to make their sweets. They then got to taste them and evaluate them, thinking about what went well and what needed improving. 


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